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The Foreign Ministry of the Bahamas is "demanding an explanation" from the U. Drug Enforcement Administration's relationship with the government of the Bahamas to secretly "open a backdoor to the country's cellular telephone network, enabling it to covertly record and store the 'full-take audio' of every mobile call made to, from and within the Bahamas - and to replay those calls for up to a month.
Bahamas Minister of Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell said today that he was only warned a report like this may be coming earlier Monday by an American diplomat, which followed vague previous warnings from "senior personnel at the U. Embassy" in the Bahamas. Otherwise, the behavior described would be clearly illegal and on the face of it an abuse of powers. It would also represent a great moral failing on the part of its perpetrators, in addition to illegality which challenges the founding principles of the rule of law.
But other documents point to another possible reason the nation - generally not considered a national security threat to the U. SOMALGET is reportedly in use in another country, but The Intercept declined to identify that nation, citing "specific, credible concerns that doing so could lead to increased violence. Though the NSA's ability to capture the full audio of communications has been previously reported , top U. The State Department notes that Americans make up a "majority of the million tourists visiting the Bahamas each year.
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