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Day in Moscow. Louis Showdown; Revive the Draft? Helens' Future? Claims Insurgents Killed in Samarra Offensive. Helens Erupt Soon? General Assembly. Forces Hiding in Trenches in Afghanistan. Gymnastics Assn. Intel Dir. Gets Even Greater Power? USAF Col. Government Take All Steps in Report. Kerry Plans To Increase U. Contained Small Amt. James Forbes, Jr. Military Bases in Iraq. Military Base in Germany. Marine Missing in Iraq. Bill Campaigns to Save Louisiana Wetlands.
Military Planning to Keep , U. Soldiers Killed in Iraq. Consulate in Karachi. Losing Faith in President Aristide. Marines in Haiti to Secure U. Edwards: Fight to Finish? Right by Using Man's Best Friend. Troops Strategically, Operationally Insignificant. Official: U. Seeks Greater U. Gupta: How Safe is Your Salmon? Wants Food Info on the Menu.