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To browse Academia. Stuart Poyntz. Digital mediation is central to how children and youth grow up in the global North and in much of the global South today. In taking account of this situation, of late researchers have tended to draw on a sociology of the child in conjunction with an examination of how digitization is changing the experience of childhood itself.
We then link these changes to the immersive media life many children around the world are living today, and note the worries this raises among parents, educators and others. Technologies of Labour and the Politics of Contradiction. Ethan Tussey. Course Description: As we enter an era of on-demand entertainment, ubiquitous computing, and the " internet of things, " it is important to reflect on the convergence of industries, technologies, and audiences making this future possible.
The emergence of new technologies invites utopian and dystopian proclamations but history demonstrates that technological affordances have a way of amplifying and enhancing preexisting structures and behaviors. This course invites students to consider the theoretical, historic, industrial, and technological underpinnings that define digital culture. We will dedicate discussions to social media platforms, mobile devices, digital infrastructure and regulation, Internet culture and the future of the entertainment industries.
We will consider which audiences and ideologies benefit from emerging digital practices. Our goal will be to understand how discourses of democratic participation and utopian technological promise collide with the realities of business practice and entrenched politics to create our connected future. Kylie J Stevenson. Kirsten Drotner. The article addresses two recent trends in media and communication studies, namely media convergence and media globalization.