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Many people feel squeamish when placentas are discussed, but they are truly amazing as your body has grown an entirely new organ to sustain your baby. Many people feel squeamish when placentas are discussed, but the y are truly amazing a s your body has grown an entirely new organ to su stain your baby.
In fact, in other cultures , such as M aori in New Zealand , the placenta is treated with so much respect that it is returned to the land in a burial ceremony. Even if you are turned off by the thought of keeping your placenta, once you have given birth, do try to have a look at this amazing organ that has kept your baby alive for all those months inside you. Your midwife can show you the structures and how it worked for you and your baby. Different things to do with your placenta.
Until relatively recently , not many women in the UK considered what to do with their placentas after their births. Now there are many ways in which you might consider utilising this special organ rather than toss ing it into the clinical waste bin to be incinerated. A lotus birth. It may come as a surprise , but not everyone cuts the cord after the ir baby is born and i n fact not even after the ir placenta is born. A lotus birth is when the cord is never cut but allowed to separate naturally from the baby over time.
The cord naturally clamps shut after it has stopped pulsating and then slowly dries to a twig like consistency.