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The supergirl writer actually did say that their plotting to work in Comet and Streaky for Season 2. Also, red kryptonite doesn't have a boring effect like just making Kryptonians evil. Oh no, Red Kryptonites ability is to cause something completly random to a kryptonian. Be it turning into a monster or an evil jerk, or being forced to speak in pig latin in its presence. Its awesome. Supergirl Becomes Super Mean!
Directed By: Larry Teng. First Aired: March 14, Before Supergirl aired, I remember seeing a lot of comments online that this show was going to be some pithy teenage drama with a lot of pensive lip-chewing and forlorn gazes.
Well, I hope all of those well-exercised people who jumped to conclusions have issued formal apologies though I have yet to see one because this show is much more DC Showcase than it is Beverly Hills And I love it!
Which would probably be a satellite. And maybe a Buck Rogers ray gun. What am I going on about? Read on! Explain It! She zones in on a little girl being taunted for wearing a Supergirl costume to school, of all places and zips down to make her bullies feel stupid. Just then, news of a fire across town that is endangering firefighters blasts onto a screen that is theoretically dedicated to finding aliens and nothing else.