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Entrepreneur Alex Vik may not have visited Uruguay until adulthood, but the South American country is firmly in his blood. The military junta reacted by appointing him ambassador to Mexico and then Norway, urging him to stay there.
Two generations later, Alex and his American wife Carrie have also caused ripples in Uruguay — though with a mission far more acceptable to the government. But walk inside and it quickly becomes clear: Estancia Vik is not your average farmhouse.
Geodes jut from the walls of the living room whose ceiling is covered in colorful scenes of Uruguay from above inspired by Google Earth, while the corrugated tin walls of the barbeque area — the most sacred part of any Uruguayan ranch — are awash with abstract graffiti.
Meanwhile, along with its posh guest quarters, Estancia Vik also includes ample equestrian activities including polo lessons on its world-renowned polo field. Shortly after buying the land for Estancia Vik, the family decided to expand their local footprint with a second Uruguayan property. Guests enter the structure through an epic bronze door sculpted by Uruguayan artist Pablo Atchugarry reminiscent of gates that might have protected ancient Rome.