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Locals say that the prostitutes are becoming more audacious in their pursuit of clients, grabbing male pedestrians to pull them into brothels, all the while offering discounted services. Now, it is run down and some say it is in need of major urban renewal. Due to the congregation of blue-collar, transient and migrant workers in the area, Wanhua has always had a thriving sex trade.
Although the government-regulated red-light parlors were officially abolished in the s, brothels are still operating illicitly. The sex trade in the district is based mostly in unlicensed parlors and lounges serviced by hostesses.
He said that the industry is now very different than it was in the past, as businesses hire younger women from China and Vietnam, many of whom enter Taiwan by arranged legal marriages or illegal means. He added that the younger foreigners are replacing the older sex workers and often entice their compatriots and friends at home or in Taiwan to come work at A-gong-diam.
Yan said the police carry out regular spot-checks on street prostitutes and have taken in those accused of aggressive hustling to the police station for questioning. They started protesting the police checks, showing their identity cards and denouncing the officers for violating their personal freedoms.