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Email PECChicago gmail. This topical conference provides a yearly forum for the dissemination and discussion of novel and fundamental theoretical and experimental research in the physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering of surfaces and interfaces. It includes the prestigious Nottingham Prize competition for best presentation based on doctoral research. In addition to minute keynote invited talks, the conference will include minute oral presentations in a single-session format with lively discussions.
The three-day format of the conference limits the total number of oral contributions to about Additional contributions are included in poster sessions. Except for the Nottingham contestants, a one-page abstract is the sole written contribution required of contributors. Competitors will give oral presentations to be held exclusively on Wednesday , June 8 th. Ongoing sponsorship of this award is generously provided by ScientaOmicron. This year the Physical Electronics Conference will again be awarding prizes for the best posters.
Each poster will be judged on the quality of the technical content and the clarity of the presentation. To be eligible for an award, the research must be presented by a graduate or undergraduate student. Cash prizes will be awarded. Special sessions commemorating Profs. Karsten Pohl and Pat Thiel , who both passed away unexpectedly recently, will be held on Thursday, June 9th. Conference support, including the venue and picnic, is supported by the College of Arts and Sciences at Loyola University Chicago.
The Nottingham Prize is sponsored by Scienta Omicron. General sponsorship from American Elements. For over 80 years, the emphases of the conference have changed, yet the meeting remains centered in its basis of fundamental science at material interfaces. Central themes now include the interfaces of metals, semiconductors, ionic conductors, dielectrics, insulators, fluids, porous materials, and the wealth of biomaterials.