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We will start to ride on the route number 1 towards the Maramures at the northern border of Romania to the Ukraine. And we really have a nice take-off, there are bad road conditions with innumerable potholes. On the other hand there is a vivid country life. The locals work with ancient instruments on their fields.
The crop - hay mostly - is loaded on horse-drawn carts. On the left side there is a railroad and and some cozy urig trains rattle along, the doors of the compartements wide open sometimes.
The officials who have composed this route may have thought to present a special entrance examination to the newcomer. So we end on an unpaved path which is difficult to overcome with a loaden bike. But please calm down, we only will have another stretch of this kind and this will be much later.
For this time 10 km we have to surround geese and hens, deadlike sleeping dogs and the potholes - as I told before.