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View Full Version : General Info. Hi Dudes,Nibster. Johan and Nibu Stop preaching and telling people what to do. That's just the way it's always gonna be. To JG. Try to act like a real man At least these latins still have some respect Originally posted by Nibu Raphael Dudes heard the women in Paraguay ounumber the men by a large margin. I know in Peru same thing but this country lost half its male population in the s in the War of the triple Alliance,Well Just something to think of I should be in Paraguay sometime in november PS Someone a new update on Paraguay before november.
Johan Any input??? I will do all this trip by bus of course. Won't all those people have sort of died by now? I guess if somebody invents a time machine, we'll all know where to hit first Only messing Nibu, don't get pissed. So when will you hit Brasil? Knifefish ps, did you find the arms merchants in CDE? There is meant to be a place where you can buy all sorts of heavy duty equipment. Condoms in Paraguay How would you rate condom discipline in this country?
Thanks for the info. I'm not surprised condomism has reached Paraguay. My T-shirt has "Say no to condoms" writtten all over it, but I have a policy not to shop around for bareback where condoms are the rule. For one, girls will harden their stance as soon as a man broaches the subject of his own accord. They may assume that if a man is into barebacking, he must be infected, or they know barebacking is negociable at a multiple of the basic rate and expect big money. I was reading Johan's angry write up.
That ain't your money. Everyday I saw people wasting their money, our government waste our money. So what? I don't get it. Now, if Johan felt we the "stupid fat, ugly old gringos" drive up the price, but that should not affect him!! As long as you are hot looking, fit and young, girls will still dig you.