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Show algorithmically generated translations. Glosbe Translate. Google Translate. Images with "slut". Add example Add Translations of "slut" into Ukrainian in sentences, translation memory. Declension Stem. What' s up with your slut clogs? Ellen hated Kristin instantly, labeling her in her mind as one of those California sluts. She's the local slut.
You will think me a dreadful slut , I know, but I bedded that pretty boy Marillion. My third wife was a Crakehallxy, all of the Crakehallxy women are sluts. The first is the slut. A filthy slut from the bar. Of course, men were having sex as well, but you'll remember from the reading, what were male sluts called? Maybe he thinks I've been slutting around, at Jezebel's, with the Commander or more. My third wife was a Crakehall, all of the Crakehall women are sluts.
It would have worked if she wasn't a drunken slut! Little slut! The world was full of sluts on skates, even if some of them weren't on skates. Don't be a slut , Richard. You go at a slut like that with a drill! How often do I have to fucking explain, you slut? You're so smart but you think I'm just a cheap slut!