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So if you ask the question: "Who is an adulterer? Picture an adulterer and who do you see? There's a high chance you're thinking of a middle-aged man, perhaps with a history of broken marriages. This might be the popular image of someone who cheats but, as a psychiatrist with two decades' experience in treating sexual issues, I can tell you that the profile of a modern adulterer is much more complex and nuanced. For one thing, while men are having affairs at the same rate as they've done for the past two decades, today a cheater is more likely than ever before to be female.
There's a good chance that he or she will be a high earner, aged between 40 and However, affairs are also increasingly prevalent among the younger and, perhaps more surprisingly, the older generation, reports Daily Mail.
Yet, strange as it sounds, it's quite possible today's adulterer is happily married. In recent surveys, more than a third of cheating women and half of cheating men say they are perfectly content with their long-term relationships — but cheat anyway.
While we would all like to think we'd never cheat, it's not an isolated activity confined to a few essentially "unfaithful" people. In simple terms, we become more likely to cheat if we are given the opportunity — and modern life is giving us more and more opportunity. Indeed, I believe seismic sexual shifts in society are remodelling the landscape of infidelity.