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It is reported that Mr A, W. A meeting of the Wanganui Women's Political Lcaguo is to be held ou Thursday evening at 8 o'clock to arrange details m connection with the proposed moonlight fete. Ciptiiin Edwin telegraphed at In addition t. The executive imite exhibits of [ all kinds from every district in the colony, including works of art, educational, scientific and machinery ex hibits.
H, James, architect, invites tendois for tho erection of premises in brick for Messrs H. Jones and Sou. The coal dealers of Wanganui intimate that they have raised the price ol Coalbrookdale toal 2a per ton,. Of thnty-lwo people attacked by tho bubonic plaguo in Honolulu during ,1 month twenty-ono were Chinese, six Japanese, and five Kanakas, not a single Caucasian was attacked.
Athletes and cyclists me rpjnijujpd that nommnti,ons'in connection willi the Waveriey Athletic Association's sports meeting close with the secietary, Mr J. Emmersoii, on Tliursdny next, the Ist March. Messrs Williams and Haiper vull sell at their mart to-moirovv a lot of groceries, absolutely without reserve; also furmtuie, removed for convenience of sale.
Tho sale will commence at two o'clock,. On baturday afternoon a gal. Tho latest additions to the Telephone Exchange are —No.