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If you make a purchase using one of these Amazon links, I may receive compensation at no extra cost to you. See my Disclosure Policy for more information. New Zealand is one of the most stunning countries in the world, but there are so many fun facts you may not know.
To really understand what makes the country so awesome, you need to know a bit about its history, its wildlife, and some weird facts that shape the Kiwi mentality. After living in New Zealand for a year, my plan to write a top 10 list of facts about New Zealand easily snowballed into fun facts about the country I love. Dive in an find out what records the country holds and the weirdest thing that they race every year!
Moving abroad? Save more in booking your flights and accommodations by using this platform! Read more about New Zealand food you must try! Every new weird fact I learn about New Zealand makes me fall even more in love with the country. I mean where else can you see the first sunset, visit the most penguins, and see a glacier in a rainforest? Share these interesting facts about New Zealand with your friends to help the nation be known for something other than Hobbits and rugby!
It depends — the best country to live in as an expat will depend on your unique needs. I developed this free quiz to help you figure out where is right for you! It depends — picking a country to live in is hard. Ultimately, making the choice of where to move is going to be hard. But the hardest thing is deciding to move abroad at all! You can find work abroad via local job boards or temp agencies. My favourite way to work is remotely, so I always look for jobs on FlexJobs.