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Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. Rana let her in, a tall dark-skinned woman who looked like one of the background Amazons from the latest Wonder Woman movie.
Lucas knew Naryn was there for Rana. He wasn't jealous, far from it. A part of him wanted to shortcut the entire issue, taking the hard-bodied athlete into his bed along with his family. Lucas figured she was here because of Rana. Her submissive nature meant she wanted to be dominated by Naryn.
What sort of Master would he be if he deprived his sex slaves of pleasure? It would have been something Meredith would have done. Depriving his slaves of any agency was just stupid. Greetings were exchanged. Naryn's eyes swept the group, writing him off as an afterthought, but checking out Meredith and Lucy like a tiger looking at a wounded antelope.
Lucas could tell she appreciated their tall, curvaceous bodies, especially mom's since she was dressed like a high-class escort.