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There is a significant underrepresentation of women in spine surgery, as is the case in neurosurgery and orthopedic surgery, as well. Women are generally a minority in surgical fields, but the underrepresentation in spine surgery appears even more pronounced when compared to other surgical specialties.
One contributing factor could be that these trends have only recently begun to shift, and many female spine surgeons are younger than their male counterparts. In contrast, neurosurgery, while not characterized by the same stereotypes, is known for its long hours. Despite that, a survey of the membership of the Ruth Jackson Orthopedic Society RJOS in July suggested that factors such as female mentorship, family, pregnancy, significant others, and physical attributes did not influence women's choice of fellowship specialty.
This study investigates attendees' perceptions of gender representation in spine surgery, as observed at the Women in Spine Symposium during the 38th annual NASS meeting.
This event was sponsored by the Depuy Synthesis and was a collaborative effort of a team of female spine surgeons and researchers.