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To browse Academia. Marijan Dovic. Julian Weiss. Tamara Kamatovic. This dissertation is a literary history of the Viennese Biedermeier, a period spanning the Vienna Congress in and the Spring of Nations in Through four case studies that examine major Viennese literary and cultural institutions — censorship, secret societies, salons, and publishing — it argues for an understanding of the period that is built on analysis of its rich literary communication and the development of the Viennese "literary public" Habermas.
In contrast to prior scholarship, which has focused on the figure of Metternich and his administration's prohibitive political conservatism, this dissertation uncovers overlaps between conservative and liberal ideologies in the period's literary culture and points to the ambivalence of its perceived reactionary institutions. Chapter Four ends with the mid-century revolutions through a discussion of three poems printed in the first days of March of Grantley McDonald.
During the middle ages and renaissance, Western attitudes to censorship were determined principally by Christianity, the hegemonic religious and political discourse in Europe. Accordingly, Christian censorship represents an attempt to control both inward beliefs and their outward expression.
It is essentially an imposition of authority for the purpose of creating agreement or silencing dissent. This article first explores medieval mechanisms of censorship, then describes the new institutions and practices of censorship developed in response to the invention of printing and the Protestant Reformation. Finally, it briefly describes some important medieval and renaissance thinkers and writers whose work was subject to ecclesiastical or state censorship. Marko Juvan. This article changes the perspective by examining the paradox of censor as an instrument of imperial thought control and a trained expert resembling the literary critic.