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Recital by Claudio Arrau at Carnegie Hall, New York, on Friday 14th November in the evening. Performance by Claudio Arrau of Franz Liszt's Piano Concerto No. Extraordinary acclaim by the press. Sources: [ The Winnipeg Tribune , Manitoba, 18 November ] [ Calgary Herald , Calgary, Alberta, 18 November ] [ The Gazette , Montreal, Quebec, 18 November ] [ The Gazette , Montreal, Quebec, 19 November ] [Electronic copy of printed concert progrmme] N.
Performance by Claudio Arrau of Beethoven's Concerto for Pianoforte No. R epeat appearance in one season was unprecedented for an artist.
Claro de luna. Claudio Arrau r ecitals on Friday 25th , Monday 28th , and Wednesday 30th September , as well as on Friday 2nd October. Piano recital by Claudio Arrau at the Harrisburg Forum on Thursday 22nd October , under the auspices of the Wednesday Club Civic Music Association.
Claudio Arrau's piano recital at Carnegie Hall, New York, on Wednesday 28th October in the evening. Recital performance by Claudio Arrau in Chicago's Orchestra Hall, as the opening event of the Musical Arts Piano Series's seventh season of recitals sponsored by the Adult Education Council of Chicago, on Tuesday 3rd November in the evening.