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A group of Yugoslav women partisans, including Dr. Roza Papo, lower center. Papo and many other Jewish women joined the partisans to fight the Nazis during the occupation of Yugoslavia. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
The Jewish community of Yugoslavia was small, vibrant, and diverse, with waves of Sephardi and Ashkenazi immigrants arriving from the 16th through the 19th centuries. Like many Jewish communities in Europe, the Yugoslav community was decimated by the Nazis and further depopulated by emigration to Israel, and only a few Jews remain in Yugoslavia today. Little has been written about the history of women in the former Yugoslavia and even less is as yet known about the history of Jewish women in the Balkans.
Before the South Slav lands of the Western Balkans did not share a common history, having been divided for centuries between Ottoman and Habsburg spheres of influence. Africa, Italy, the Middle East and the Balkans.
Sephardim of the former Ottoman territories, and the Jews of European origin and their descendants, including most of North and South American Jewry. Ashkenazim of the erstwhile Habsburg lands. The Ashkenazim, who formed roughly two-thirds of the 68, Jews recorded in the Yugoslav census, were concentrated mostly in the somewhat more developed northern and western parts of the country, including Croatia and the Vojvodina, whereas the Sephardim, comprising the remaining third, were situated mainly in the poorer areas of Serbia, Bosnia, and Macedonia to the east and south.