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To browse Academia. Turkey is one of many countries that have failed to adequately prevent honour crimes despite taking some measures to address the phenomenon. Although Turkey has ratified the Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Discrimination Against Women CEDAW and other human rights agreements, the country has yet to amend the criminal code on crimes of honour, diligently implement new laws on honour killings, or evaluate the influence of new regulations in this regard.
This paper will first examine honour crimes within the international human rights framework and the relevant commitments and legal measures established by Turkey. The paper will highlight the emergence of honour suicides as an alternative form of honour killings, which has further complicated efforts to address this crime, before presenting some brief conclusions.
Keywords: honor, killing, Turkey. In this paper, honour killings are not analysed or conceptualized in socio-cultural context. The focus will be on defining the legal politics while combating honour killings, especially in Turkey after the year Turkey took concrete steps to prevent the honour killings in while reforming its Penal Code subsequent to the pressure of women rights activists. Unfortunately, legal reform has not affected the social order as much as expected in the favour of women.
First, the gender mainstreaming in Turkish law order is explained. Then, Turkish Penal Code reform and the changes regarding honour killings are defined. Feminist methodology is going to be used to analyse the changes in Turkish jurisprudence.