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To browse Academia. Multivariate analyses on a corpus of performed narratives show that the NPP is restricted to the speech of non-professional speakers, favoured by males, and not a change in progress.
In this paper I report on an exploratory study of a sub-sample of performed Labovian narratives produced by West Australian male and female speakers, aged 36 to 56, of professional and non-professional occupational backgrounds.
Marie-Eve Ritz. Celeste Rodriguez Louro. Serenella Zanotti. Juergen Bohnemeyer. This article examines how narratives are structured in a language in which event order is largely not coded. Yucatec Maya lacks both tense inflections and temporal connectives corresponding to English after and before. It is shown that the coding of events in Yucatec narratives is subject to a strict iconicity constraint within paragraph boundaries.
Aspectual viewpoint shifting is used to reconcile iconicity preservation with the requirements of a more flexible narrative structure. Alan Dench , Lesley Stirling. Lesley Stirling. Tatiana Nikitina. Shlomo Shoham. Oussama AnIs Beb.